Several institutions have already committed to use our low-code book as teaching material. Be the next!
List of institutions using our book
- Model-driven Software Development. Master course. University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
- Low-code development. PhD Course. University of Luxembourg. Luxembourg
- Tópicos Selectos de Ingeniería de Software. Master in Computer Science. Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, México
- Systems analysis and design, Bournemouth University, UK
- Advanced Software Engineering, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
- Advanced Techniques in Software Engineering. Master in Computer Engineering. UOC, Spain
- Automatic, code generation, Master in Software Engineering. University of Murcia, Spain
Are you an instructor?
Did you know we are preparing a special bonus content for instructors?
Just get in touch to add your institution to the list and you’ll get all our slides so that you can use our book to teach your courses ASAP and without breaking a sweat.
We will also provide ready-to-use exercises for both low-code developers and practitioners using the open-source BESSER platform.
Not on the list?
Are you already using our book but your institution is not in the list? Please get in touch, we would love to add you to our list of low-code fans!